Coaches: John Alto, Earl Alto, & Sam Bengtsson
Assistant Coaches: Jeff Ruiz & Crystal Liu
Open to all ages
Monday - Thursday: 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Description: This program is intended for juniors who have little to no experience or for those who are beginning to compete. In a group setting, players are taught various foundational skills such as forehand and backhand techniques, serving and receiving, moving properly, and much more. This training consists of two halves and a break in between. The first half focuses on developing form and footwork, with the second half reserved for matchplay. We expect at least three trainings a week. Tournament participation is expected of players who have been on this team for greater than a year.
Tournament or League participation after one year of playing
Practice a minimum of three times a week
Drop-ins: $40 / per class
Full-time: $365 / per Month
Part-time: $265 / per month
Please note that part-time players are limited to 2 practices a week; full-time players are allowed to have 3+ sessions week (unlimited)
Coaches: John Alto, Earl Alto, & Sam Bengtsson
Assistant Coaches/sparring partners: Jeff Ruiz & Crystal Liu
Monday - Thursday: 6:00 - 8:30 pm
Friday: 4:00 - 6:00 pm (merged with Team B)
Saturday: 4:00 - 7:00 pm (merged with Adult Team)
Description: The A Team format resembles the B Team, with 90 extra minutes for physical training, serve training, and math play. This team dives deeper into strategy and matches. Players learn skills that contribute to competitive success in addition to team building. The A Team comprises a select few juniors who strongly desire to improve and compete. We aim for national titles and earning spots on the national team. We expect four to six trainings a week and tournament participation.
Players selected by coaches from the B Team
Must compete in at least six to eight USATT-sanctioned tournaments each year, including US Nationals, US Open, and National Team Trials
No outside trainers/coaches
No multi-sport athletes
Practice a minimum of four times a week (not including 1:1 private lessons)
Drop-ins and part-time options unavailable for Team A
Full-time: $365/Per Month
*Terms and Conditions*
Month-to-month team fees are due on the fifth or tenth of each month and can be frozen or prorated thrice a year. Please consent with the Club Manager beforehand.
One-time registration fee of $60 is due upon signing.